Saturday, October 6, 2007

Search camp

Although I had a blogger account for the past one year, I never had a chance to post anything till this date. Today I had a chance to be in search camp held in Tidel park for an hour time and it was a new experience. These kind of events creates opportunity to meet a lot of people in this vertical and also it made to me to write my first blog. I got into the auditorium half past four and intervened when Mr. Kapil was presenting his strategy in SEM and the next event was quiz, where I didn't even had a clue to the questions asked. Anyway, my friend Manoj was able to answer a question and got sponsored tee shirt. Once the event is over, most of them started moving to Kafeoke, Where we was obliged to hear to some good and bad singers singing along with the Karaoke tracks. At last we pushed off from there after some time. Now I have a feeling that I missed the previous camps.