Friday, December 14, 2007

If you believe fur should be worn by animals and not you

This is one of the most revolting video I have come across recently. I was not aware of something like this and I bet most of us don't know. Even after watching it I don't know something which we can do to stop this. The source says that 85 percent of fur comes by skinning animal living captive on fur farm's and this is followed uniform around the globe. These animals are trapped and kept in cages. to avoid damaging their fur, the trappers kill the animal by beating, stamping and electrocution, where these methods are not 100 percent effective and some animals are skinned alive.

If anyone knows a way to fight against it, Please post it in comments and pass it on to others who might not be aware of this. As far as I know, the only way to fight against this is by avoiding real fur clothes and you might save those animals killed for making them. This might turn down the market for fur and maybe we can save some of those beautiful creatures.

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